Work hard to play hard. Play hard and pay hard. Pay hard and work harder.
Does that sound familiar?
In reality, we play hard to make hard work seem worthwhile, with “self-care.”
In truth, we indulge ourselves in the name of self-care.
Self care: It’s the reward we give ourselves after we’ve done the work that makes our lives “run.” The harder we work, the more we indulge—but what if we turned this idea around?
What if our self-care became the foundation for making our work better and more sustainable? Instead, let’s create something better, more honest, more real:
The Art of Caring for Self.
What would it look like if we enhanced your relationships—all of them?
Or this potent question:
Would you like to discover how Caring for Self—and putting it FIRST—increases your passion and pleasure, your satisfaction, invited more love, true wealth and sustainable success?
You Can. It is absolutely possible to feel more content in your down time, to be more present to your friends, family, coworkers, the planet; you can have satisfying and fulfilling relationships that you enjoy, work that inspires, and life-in-balance.
More Joy. It’s already yours.
You’re in the right place: you’re at the Corner of Grace and Change. Let’s transform together. Contact me here
Open to you
What are you waiting for?
The time is now.
LIfe is a beautiful Offering
How long will it take to take the first step?
I am here when you are ready.
What does it mean to begin?
What does it mean not to?
“There's a time and the time is now and it's right for me
It's right for me, and the time is now
There's a word and the word is Love and it's right for me
It's right for me, and the word is Love”
“The next message you need is always right where you are.”
~Ram Dass